Products > Matador Product Features

The Matador QA System delivers fast and accurate testing by allowing for flexibility of test design in order to support a simple and clean solution to most integration and data-level testing challenges. To achieve automated solutions for complex integrated environments a feature rich product is required to address the many requirements for replacing manual integration testing solutions.

Because Matador is agentless, installation is simple and does not require any additional components to be installed on the various applications that Matador connects with. As soon as Matador is installed, it is ready to connect to test environments.

Key Features & Capabilities of The Matador QA System:
- Technology Independent
- Works across Platforms & Environments
- Support for Multiple Inputs and Outputs
- Complex Output Identification (Data Filters and Matching)
- Advanced Data Analysis Capabilities
- Environment Preparation (Setup & Teardown)
- Automated External Program Calls
- Robust and Customizable Error Reporting
- Auto-Documentation of Test Cases
- Management-level Reporting of Testing Metrics
- Flexible Test Variations for Easy Test Configuration
- Based on Open-Standards Technologies for Ease of Use
- Supports Complex, Custom & Proprietary Data Formats
- Integrates with GUI Testing Tools: Mercury, Rational, Compuware, etc.




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